Handcrafted, Local and Cultured Foods

Pyramid Ferments practices the traditional art of fermentation to create a high quality, handcrafted, local, raw and cultured product for you to enjoy.

Pyramid Ferments makes many different and delicious types of Sauerkrauts, Kimchis and Kombucha. Using traditional and conjured recipes from all over the world we ferment with our own ecologically grown produce, as well as other quality, locally grown and wildcrafted ingredients to create superior and satisfying fermented foods.

Go With Your Gut! 

What is Lacto-fermentation?*

Lacto-fermentation is a traditional form of food preservation.  Fermentation preserves food in a natural way without the use of vinegar, sugar, pasteurization or artificial preservatives. The process of fermentation creates a live and cultured super food, rich in nutrients, probiotics and enzymes. Lacto-fermentation is the process that converts starches and sugars present in vegetable matter, into lactic acid. Lacto bacilli are a beneficial bacteria that naturally preserve food and directly supply your digestive tract with living cultures of micro flora and bacteria that are essential to digestion and nutrient absorption. 

Health Benefits of Lacto-Fermented Foods*

  • Fermented foods offer many benefits to your gut, digestive system and over all health.

  • Lacto-ferments improve your digestion by delivering beneficial lacto bacilli to your digestive system. Lacto bacilli increase digestive health by inhibiting harmful bacteria and foodborne pathogens in your gut.

  • Eating lacto-ferments stimulates and improves your immune system. 80% of your immune system is in your digestive system!

  • Lacto-ferments helps to normalize the acidity of the stomach and stimulate the production of beneficial intestinal flora.

  • The process of lacto-fermentation creates new nutrients in foods and increases the bioavailability of minerals and nutrients as well as increasing vitamin absorption.

*Resources from Nourishing Traditions by Sally Fallon with Mary G. Enig PhD


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